Typeface: Lato san serif (Google Font) Lato is our primary font.
It is used for all headlines, support headlines, subheads, body copy, link copy, captions for images, drop-down menu headers, and drop-down menu subhead. Mapbox mapsdoes not use Lato.
ABCĆDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSŠTUVW XYZŽabcćdefghijk lmnopqrsštuvwxyz ž1234567890‘?’“!” (%)[#]{@}/&\<-+÷× =>®©$€£¥¢:;,.*
ABCĆDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSŠTUVW XYZŽabcćdefghijk lmnopqrsštuvwxyz ž1234567890‘?’“!” (%)[#]{@}/&\<-+÷× =>®©$€£¥¢:;,.*
ABCĆDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSŠTUVW XYZŽabcćdefghijk lmnopqrsštuvwxyz ž1234567890‘?’“!” (%)[#]{@}/&\<-+÷× =>®©$€£¥¢:;,.*
Font stacks
The ordered list of fonts that contains a primary font and an optional fallback font or fonts.
Primary hierarchy {font-family: 'Lato', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}
Monospace {--font-family-monospace: SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,"Courier New",monospace;}
Mapbox: "Open Sans Regular" is the primary font and "Arial Unicode MS Regular" is the fallback font for our maps.